Fertility Warrior


This is Pele. She is originally from Japan, and came to see me as she had been trying for 10 years. She was allergic to metal, therefore very nervous about the acupuncture needles. Within 2 sessions she was cured of her metal allergy. 


Pele presents as very quiet and gentle, but through diagnosis with her pulse, the tones in her voice and the overall look in her eyes, excessive Anger was holding her back from freedom and love in her life. She could not create a new future without tending to this. We created a safe space to release it. 


Anger from loneliness, Anger towards her mother, Anger towards herself. This can show up in forms of stubbornness, skin breakouts, even being particularly quiet. 


She now has a beautiful baby boy, the image was taken when she was pregnant. 


Pele – name represents fire. She is naturally a fiery soul who needs a safes space with close friends to express it in forms of laughter, art and fun.

  • Anger

  • Loneliness

  • Longing for connection with her mother

  • Did not work when she came to see me - husband had a financially stable job

  • Work is the way we give back to the world - she became a part-time nanny

  • All hormones and blood work were perfect

  • Determination
